The parish of Holy Trinity Redhill takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about this can be found on our Safeguarding page.
Connected Building Project
Our Connected Building Project is a vision of a building fit for the 21st century that will be welcoming and accessible to all. To find out more, please explore the links on this page.
Links to all current information and media
UPDATE: August 2024 Update *New*
UPDATE: July 2023 The Time is Now
Information on earlier stages of the Connected Building Project is available on request from the email address below.
If you have any questions or would like to offer support to the project, please email
Supporting the project
Members of Holy Trinity support the Connected Building Project in three key ways:
Prayer, as we seek God’s will and ask him to guide and provide. We invite church family members to join a prayer meeting over Zoom on a Saturday morning most months of the year, from 9 – 9.30am. See Trinity News, the church family’s weekly newsletter, for details of these meetings. We also send weekly prompts for personal prayer – please ask the Church Office if you would like to receive these.
Practical help, in a variety of forms. For instance, people have joined the project committee, provided advice and organised events. As the project moves towards implementation, there will be plenty of opportunities to join in with more practical tasks, as we move out of the present
Church Centre, and develop different patterns of church life.
Financial donations, of many different amounts and given in different ways. Through the generosity of all the donors, there is now over £2.25 million in the bank. Some pledges are yet to be completed, events are in the pipeline, and we expect bank interest and grants to help towards the estimated £2.6 million target. If you would like to contribute for the first time, please click here to offer a gift, knowing that every contribution is valued, whatever its size.