The parish of Holy Trinity Redhill takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about this can be found on our Safeguarding page.
Our marriage preparation course is a popular three session course designed to help couples build strong and happy marriages.
For further help or information please phone the church office on 01737 766604 or email.
The current marriage service together with advice and tips about different aspects of planning your wedding including help with choosing hymns and readings for the service and information about how to book a wedding in church can be found on The Church of England website www.yourchurchwedding.org.
Useful links:


A funeral is used to mark the end of a person's life here on earth. Family and friends come together to express grief, give thanks for the life lived and commend the person into God's keeping. They can be a small, quiet ceremony or a large occasion in a packed church. Every funeral service at Holy Trinity begins with Jesus' words: "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.", and in the the funeral service we will reflect on the hope and comfort that Jesus' words offer.
Normally, the Funeral Director will make first contact with the church, then a church minister will get in touch with the family.
Useful link:

At Holy Trinity we rejoice with every child and adult who is baptised as part of our church family. A new baby brings joy to any family and many families want to mark that very special event with a celebration in church. Here at Holy Trinity we welcome enquiries about Christenings. Normally you must either be resident in the parish or be registered on the church electoral roll. There are two services available: Baptism, and Thanksgiving.
If you want to bring your child up in the Christian faith as a member of the family of the church, then, a Baptism could be for you. Baptism is a joyful event that takes place during the daytime services at Holy Trinity. Since the very beginning of the Christian Faith, people have been baptised to show that they want to follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and be part of his family, the church. Children too young to declare their own faith are baptised on the understanding that they are brought up as members of the family of the church and that when they are old enough they will declare their own faith at a service of confirmation. At a baptism service the parents speak for the child and make promises about how they will bring their child up and their own faith. For parents who wish to have their child baptised our baptism preparation course will help you get the most out of the baptism.
Holy Trinity Baptism Course
We are delighted that you would like to celebrate your baptism with us here at Holy Trinity. If you have not yet visited the church then I encourage you to come and meet the church family. Before we arrange a baptism service we invite candidates/parents to join us for a short two part baptism course which takes a lively look at the heart of the Christian Faith.
No prior knowledge necessary
Everyone welcome
Say as little or as much as you like
What’s involved? Two informal sessions spread over two weekday evenings. Sessions normally take place at the church centre and last about an hour and a half. They cover two main topics: Making Promises and Keeping Promises. They are also a great opportunity to ask questions about godparents and what happens during the baptism.
Please phone the church office on 01737 766604 or email us if you would like to arrange a baptism for your child.

If you want to give thanks to God for your child and to ask for God’s blessing on them and your family life, then a thanksgiving could be for you. A thanksgiving is a joyful event that takes place on Sunday morning at Holy Trinity. There are prayers of thanksgiving for the baby, some words for the parents to say, and the minister takes the child into his arms and prays for them. Jesus did something very similar, and that’s why we do it today. The parents promise to care for their children and to pray for them as they grow up.
Please phone the church office on 01737 766604 or contact us by email if you would like to arrange a thanksgiving for your child.