The parish of Holy Trinity Redhill takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about this can be found on our Safeguarding page.

frequently asked questions
Coming through that door for the first time can be a daunting business, but we are here to make your first visit to Holy Trinity a really good one. We are looking forward to meeting you, giving you a friendly welcome, and helping you feel at home. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about coming to church for the first time.
Who we are
We aim to be a friendly welcoming church open to people of all ages and backgrounds.
Where do we meet
From September 1st, 2024 our Sunday morning services and children's work will be held in St Bede's school about half a mile west along Carlton Road from the church, where a team will make sure you can park and find your way into the correct part of the buildings.
What kind of church are we?
We are an Anglican Church which means we are part of the Church of England and the worldwide Anglican Communion.
We are an Evangelical Church which means that we take God’s Word, the Bible, as our supreme authority in all that we do and believe and that we place a top priority on proclaiming the Good News about Jesus.
We are a Parish Church which means we have a special responsibility and care for the people who live within our parish boundaries, as well as being involved in God’s work in the rest of the town, the Diocese, and, indeed, the world.
The Sunday Service:
How will I know what to do?
Every thing you need for the service, including the words of all the hymns and songs, will be on the service sheet you are given when you arrive.
What happens afterwards?
After the service please join us for refreshments and the chance to make new friends.
What should I wear?
Come in whatever clothes you feel comfortable wearing. Most of our congregation dress fairly casually on Sunday mornings but there are no hard and fast rules.
What about the children?
We welcome children to our Sunday services at 9.15am, 11am, and 4pm. See our Children's page for full details of children's activities on Sunday morning. Don't worry if the little ones make a noise - we like children!
What about disability access?
There is step-free access into all the buildings where we meet, and a limited number of designated disabled parking spaces.
Music plays a central role in worship at Holy Trinity. Most of our songs are contemporary, accompanied by a band and led by singers, but the 11am Sunday morning service particularly draws on the riches of traditional hymns, accompanied on the organ.
How can I find out more about Christianity?
Here at Holy Trinity we run courses to help people both consider the big issues of life and to connect with who Jesus Christ really is. Giving opportunities to ask discuss our questions – big or small – in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Life events
Find out more about Marriage, Baptism, Funerals and Thanksgiving services.